The Dove Clinic is exempt from the mandatory reporting requirement but will adopt the principles as good business practice
The Dove Clinic is a private medical consultation and treatment business
The business supplies medical services to members of the general public
The business works with medical suppliers and cleaning companies, as well as service providers such as accountants, stationers, electricians and facilities support companies.
The business is providing a Modern Slavery statement to support good practice
Current Policies and Initiatives
Details of the Modern Slavery Statement are shared with all staff and the management team review in regards of suppliers and sub-contractors.
Areas of the business which need to be mindful of Modern Slavery include. People, Supply Chain, Safeguarding, Whistleblowing
All recruitment takes place according to recruitment policies and procedures and HR is supported by HR Department Solent.
All staff are required to undertake regular equality and diversity training and the topic of modern slavery is included as an agenda item at staff and management meetings on a six monthly reminder cycle.
The Management team will review current and new contracts for modern slavery implications.
The team will note any Modern Slavery implications within its regular Dove Clinic report
This statement has been produced in accordance with provisions as set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015/Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (if business is legally required to produce a statement) and applies to The Dove Clinic Limited. The statement was approved by The Dove Clinic Management team on 22nd January 2020.