GFRT – Gut Flora Replacement Therapy

Gut Flora Replacement (GFR) is available at the Dove Clinic.

It is the process of implanting the beneficial intestinal bacteria and yeasts, from specific varied probiotic supplements, in significant quantities.
This is in order to reset the essential gut microflora needed for the gut to function properly. Disease finds it difficult to expand when gut flora is normal. Gut Flora Replacement aims to restore gut flora that has been damaged.  For further information, please contact the Clinic.

Dr Kenyon has had a clinical interest in this area for many years.

If you want to watch a short video about the function of the microbiome, please take a look at this film. We didn’t produce it but we think it explains the function well.


Recommended Reading:

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life
Book by David Perlmutter and Kristin Loberg – click image to link to Amazon
The Diet Myth – book by Tim Spector – click image to link to Amazon

For further information or to arrange an informal discussion with Dr Julian Kenyon, please contact our Reception Team or call 01962 718000.

LEAKY GUT SYNDROME – Causes and Treatment Approaches

It is possible that leaky gut syndrome may be causing other health issues that are affecting you; from weight gain to skin problems, depression, autoimmunity, to food allergies.

Your gut should contain its contents within the gut.  Leaky gut happens when your intestines develop tiny holes and contents leak into the body. The gut wall houses up to 80% of your immune system. Up to 80% of the immune system is located within the gut walls, the leak causes excess inflammation as your immune system tries to deal with the leak. Over time this can lead to chronic inflammation which is at the root of many modern illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety, autoimmunity, heart disease, cancer and many more. 

Not everyone with leaky gut has digestive symptoms and sometimes the problem manifests itself elsewhere in the body.  If you have digestive symptoms such as gas(wind), constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, cramping, bloody stool, abdominal pain, changes in bowel movements, smelly stools, IBD, SIBO, candida overgrowth, gastroparesis, dysbiosis, then pretty much any and all digestive symptoms and disorders may be due to leaky gut syndrome. 

Some research has suggested that in order for autoimmune disease to be active leaky gut syndrome must be present, and over 80 have been identified including Celiac disease, lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, alopecia, and rheumatoid arthritis among others. 

A substantial number of disorders or diseases could be related to having an underlying leaky gut, which can include but is not limited to cardiovascular disease, cancers, thyroid disorders, digestive disorders, urinary conditions, obesity, reproductive disorders, respiratory disorders, hepatitis, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis. But there are steps that can be taken to help alleviate the causes.

Leaky gut may also be behind some skin disorders; the connection between skin and gut health has been well established and many conditions such as acne, hives, psoriasis, hair loss, rashes, eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, and dry skin could be connected to leaky gut syndrome. 

It is thought that many brain and mood disorders/conditions such as anxiety, depression, brain fog, chronic fatigue, migraines, mood swings and cognitive diseases have a connection to leaky gut syndrome at their roots.  The same applies to body and joint pains such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and other musculoskeletal conditions which have been connected to increased intestinal permeability according to research. 

Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances may to some degree have an underlying issue with leaky gut syndrome; once the gut has healed many patients discover that their food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances will resolve themselves. 

In testing, low trace minerals are often an indicator of leaky gut.  Inflammation inside the digestive tract makes it difficult for vitamins and minerals to be absorbed through the gut wall and into the body which may be what is leading to these low mineral readings. 

Sugar cravings may be a symptom of an overgrowth of bad bacteria within the gut, this dysbiosis will often disappear once the patient has addressed the health of their gut lining. 

Some steps which may help to heal a leaky gut include:

  1. Removing all irritating foods and other toxins from the diet and environment.
  2. Replacing all toxic foods with those that support digestion and healing foods.
  3. Repairing the intestines with nutrients needed to heal the gut wall and underlying immune system.
  4. Reinoculating to restore a healthy balance of the gut’s microflora.
  5. Remove all main dietary triggers for leaky gut including legumes, dairy, grains, refined foods, processed foods, and put the focus on relaxing before, during, and after meals to help optimize digestion, especially while healing. Stress is bad whether it be mental or physical can trigger leaky gut syndrome. 
  6. Diet, several drugs, and alcohol are all triggers that have been most studied. Imbalance in gut microflora, infections, and yeast overgrowth all contribute to an increasing intestinal permeability. The mouth is the beginning of the GI tract thus research suggests that poor oral hygiene and dysbiosis in the mouth can also contribute to increased intestinal permeability. 
  7. Replace bad dietary habits with those that are healthy, nourishing, and whole foods can really help. While healing the digestive system may need some additional temporary support such as hydrochloric acid, bile salts, or digestive enzymes. Often those with leaky gut have low stomach acid production that may benefit from taking apple cider vinegar before meals. 
  8. EPA and DHA found in fermented foods, oily fish, ginger, quercetin, and turmeric all have also been shown to help repair leaky gut.
  9. Fermented foods and probiotics will help to reinoculate the gut with healthy bacteria to restore a healthy ratio of gut bacteria. To help improve the health of the gut microflora eat a variety of healthy foods and fibres; avoid using antibacterial cleaners; consume raw/live/unpasteurized fermented foods; and consume a range of probiotic and prebiotic foods. Keep in mind that it is possible to over consume one type of bacteria, making it recommended to get probiotics from a variety of fermented whole food sources. 

Leaky gut is something we can help with, so it is worth your coming along to see us. Contact or call 01962 718000 to arrange a consultation.

Long Covid – Treatment Approaches

Our approach to Long Covid is to treat it as we would our Chronic Fatigue Syndromes. [1]

We have had significant success with replacing the gut microbiome in our Chronic Fatigue population, many of them had Chronic Fatigue for decades, and we have published on this. [2]

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have had to switch from Faecal Microbiome Transplantation (FMT) to Gut Flora Replacement Therapy (GFRT), which is very much cheaper than donor-derived, laboratory-processed Implants, and we have published on this. [3]

We have had significant success with this in treating Long Covid, and indeed have had more success than we had with Faecal Microbiome Transplantation in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

There is evidence that the microbiome is abnormal in Covid-19 [4] [5]

We also use High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C and Ozone Autohaemotherapy for Long Covid, with significant success. These are all safe treatments, and they are all available at The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine Any questions about Long Covid and the treatments we offer can be directed via


  1.  Karl J Morten, Eleonora Staines-Urias, Julian N Kenyon – Potential clinical usefulness of gut microbiome testing in a variety of clinical conditions
  2. J.N. Kenyon, Shelly Coe, Hooshang Izadi  – A retrospective outcome study of 42 patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 30 of whom had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Half were treated with approaches, and half were treated with Faecal Microbiome Transplantation –
  3. Julian N Kenyon – Comparing the Results from Faecal Microbiome Transplantation (FMT) and Gut Flora Replacement Therapy (GFRT) using 16s Mrna Microbiome Mapping –  yon ISSN 2692-5877 DOI: 10.46998/IJCMCR.2021.11.000253
  4. Heenam Stanley Kim-  Do an Altered Gut Microbiota and an Associated Leaky Gut Affect COVID-19 Severity? DOI: 10.1128/mBio.03022-20
  5. Yeoh YK, Zuo T, Lui GC, et al Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19 Gut 2021;70:698-706.

Long Covid


This shows a diverse group of presentations increasingly referred to as “Long COVID”.

It has also been described in patients who did not require hospital treatment.  These patients report a wide variety of symptoms, persisting for many months after acute infection.  To date, most research on Long COVID has been led by patients and this suggests that it is a common and disabling disorder.  Characteristically, it has all of the features of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Long COVID is likely to result in substantial population morbidity with serious implications for health and social care.  Research is needed to characterise this disorder, to define disease mechanisms and direct the use of either existing therapeutics or the development of novel treatments.

We have had significant success in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome which we have been involved in for many years and this involves looking at the gut microbiome.  There are two studies that we have published in the Human Microbiome Journal which describes these approaches and these are safe and definitely worth considering in the population of Long COVID-19 sufferers.

A Retrospective Outcome Study of 42 Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 30 of Whom had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Half were treated with oral approaches, and half were treated with Faecal Microbiome Transplantation* – click here for link or download from here

Potential clinical usefulness of gut microbiome testing in a variety of clinical conditions – click here for link 

It is worth noting that graded exercise is no longer recommended by NICE for treating CFS/ME , also they stated that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy should no longer be seen as a cure but only as a support for CFS/ME . This clearly defines CFS/ME as a biomedical condition.

*Note that we no longer offer Faecal Microbiome Transplantation. This has been replaced with our new service Gut Flora Replacement Therapy (GFRT).

Chronic Fatigue / ME

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—there is hope!

Imagine waking up every morning feeling like you have a hangover combined with the flu, and even the smallest amount of activity leaves you exhausted? That’s what life is like for almost a quarter of a million Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  (CFS) sufferers in the UK. Also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), this mysterious illness has only recently finally been officially recognised by the Department of Health.

So what is CFS? Why is it surrounded in mystery? And how do you know if you have got it?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a devastating and debilitating potentially chronic illness that is characterised by profound exhaustion, muscle pain and cognitive problems such as memory and concentration loss. Other symptoms that are common include sensitivity to light, noise and smell; disturbed sleep patterns and persistent headaches. These symptoms fluctuate from day to day.

The reasons why it is mysterious is because no two patients are the same. It is difficult to diagnose because there aren’t any conventional recognised tests for it, and there are various causes, although it is estimated that around two-thirds of all cases are preceded by a viral infection of some kind. Other contributing factors include neurotoxins (such as organophosphates), exhaustion, mental stress and poor diet.

What are the warning signs? Fatigue is the principal symptom; it is severe, disabling and affects physical and mental functioning. Other typical symptoms include muscle pain and aching on minimal exercise, as well as mood and sleep disturbance. If any of this rings true for you then you should see your GP as it is important to have other disorders ruled out, such as abnormal thyroid function and depression, amongst others.

Symptoms need to have been present for a prolonged period of time for a true diagnosis to be made.

If your GP makes the diagnosis what should you do?

We encourage people to work towards recovery in order to get back to their normal lives. Finding the best balance between rest and activity is essential, remembering that most people do improve over time to a significant degree.

Rest from mental activity and emotional stress is also very important, particularly in the early stages of the illness, however it is possible to rest too much as your muscles may become de-conditioned. ”Pacing” means alternating activity with rest, also alternating different activities e.g. mental work with physical tasks, stopping each before you become exhausted.

Please click here for information on Chronic Fatigue Nutritional Support

Please also refer to the following:

Gut Flora Replacement Therapy

Immune Therapy

Ozone Therapy


For a patient testimonials click here


Treatment for Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome

Dr Julian Kenyon has published two papers in the area of the microbiome, which have been published in the Human Microbiome Journal.

A Retrospective Outcome Study of 42 Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 30 of Whom had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Half were treated with oral approaches, and half were treated with Faecal Microbiome Transplantation.


The gut microbiome comprises the community of microorganisms in the intestinal tract. Research suggests that an altered microbiome may play a role in a wide range of disorders including myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).


42 participants with ME/ CFS with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) were allocated into one of two groups, 21 were treated with standard oral approaches, which centred around various nutritional remedies, probiotics, prebiotics, dietary advice and lifestyle advice. The second group who had mostly failed using oral approaches, were treated with Faecal Microbiome Transplantation (FMT). Each patient received 10 Implants, each from a different screened donor, and the Implants were processed under anaerobic conditions.

To read the full research, please visit the external site by clicking here

Potential clinical usefulness of gut microbiome testing in a variety of clinical conditions

The gut microbiome comprises the community of microorganisms in the intestinal tract. Over the last five years, interest in the gut microbiome has grown considerably driven by new techniques in DNA sequencing allowing for characterisation of gut bacteria and the recognition of the potential impact the microbiome may have on health.

Potential clinical usefulness of gut microbiome testing in a variety of clinical conditions


Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone as a therapy

Medical Ozone is always a mixture of purest oxygen and purest Ozone.

According to its application, the Ozone concentration can vary between 1 and 100 mcg/ml (0.05 – 5% O3).  A trained physician determines the correct dosage according to the medical indication and the patient’s condition.

Properties and Effect

Medical Ozone has bacterial, fungicidal and virocidal properties and is widely used as a disinfectant.

Its ability to stimulate the circulation is used in the treatment of circulatory disorders.

When administrated at low concentrations, the body’s resistance is mobilised, ie: Ozone (re)activates the immune system.

As a response to this activation through Ozone, the body’s white cells produce protein messengers called cytokines (including important mediators such as interferons or interleukins).  These inform other white cells, setting off a cascade of positive changes throughout the immune system, which is stimulated to resist diseases.  This means that the application of medical Ozone is useful for immune activation in patients with low immune system activity.

Small quantities of Ozone applied in what is called “major autohaemotherapy” (external treatment of the patients blood before reinfusion) consequently activate the body’s own antioxidants and radical scavengers.  It is thus possible to understand why Ozone is used in diseases that involve inflammation.

As an additive or complementary therapy in various illnesses, Ozone is applied for general immunoactivation at low dosages in the form of “major autohaemotherapy” (reinfusion). This is done using CE marked equipment from the Hansler Company in Germany. A small volume of blood is taken from the patient, mixed with Ozone and then re-infused into the patient, using a sterile, closed system. Specific doses of Ozone are given per unit volume of blood depending on the condition.

Click here to download our information sheet.

Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone as a therapy

Medical Ozone is always a mixture of purest oxygen and purest Ozone.

According to its application, the Ozone concentration can vary between 1 and 100 mcg/ml (0.05 – 5% O3).  A trained physician determines the correct dosage according to the medical indication and the patient’s condition.

Properties and Effect

Medical Ozone has bacterial, fungicidal and virocidal properties and is widely used as a disinfectant.

Its ability to stimulate the circulation is used in the treatment of circulatory disorders.

When administrated at low concentrations, the body’s resistance is mobilised, ie: Ozone (re)activates the immune system.

As a response to this activation through Ozone, the body’s white cells produce protein messengers called cytokines (including important mediators such as interferons or interleukins).  These inform other white cells, setting off a cascade of positive changes throughout the immune system, which is stimulated to resist diseases.  This means that the application of medical Ozone is useful for immune activation in patients with low immune system activity.

Small quantities of Ozone applied in what is called “major autohaemotherapy” (external treatment of the patients blood before reinfusion) consequently activate the body’s own antioxidants and radical scavengers.  It is thus possible to understand why Ozone is used in diseases that involve inflammation.

As an additive or complementary therapy in various illnesses, Ozone is applied for general immunoactivation at low dosages in the form of “major autohaemotherapy” (reinfusion). This is done using CE marked equipment from the Hansler Company in Germany. A small volume of blood is taken from the patient, mixed with Ozone and then re-infused into the patient, using a sterile, closed system. Specific doses of Ozone are given per unit volume of blood depending on the condition.

Click here to download our information sheet.


  • “The team at the Dove Clinic were excellent in their care and during the whole process of FMT. In fact I am one of the rare people who had two FMTs; one in July 2017, after which there were dramatic improvements in my gut after 39 years of extreme food sensitivities and reactions, that were debilitating. The problems began after I caught a rare amoeba in the Himalayas at the age of 26. I had been to many specialists and practitioners, had invasive treatment and many years of antibiotics that had made my gut condition even worse, and nothing had worked. I was becoming desperate, then I heard about FMT.Although the first FMT brought about great improvements, these took a hit in October 2017 when I went on a yoga retreat in Ibiza where only well water was available to drink, and I caught aggressive parasites that caused two months of extreme diahorrea. I decided to repeat the FMT to optimise the microbiome, and I think as the first FMT had given me a good foundation, the second time was even better. Within two days my gut was transformed. Instead of going to the loo up to twenty times a day, it is now down to once or twice a day, and very calm. After 39 years this is transformative.Dr Kenyon was wonderful. Very easy to be with, and massively knowledgeable about the gut microbiome. The first time I met him I felt that he was someone who really could help me, after so many failed attempts with other practitioners and specialists. The nurses were a delight; warm, kind, caring, and very competent, and there were even moments of hilarity we shared during the ten implants for each FMT. They felt like good friends by the end. In fact all the staff there, the receptionists, the dispensing nurses, everyone goes out of their way to make sure you are ok.

    The procedure is a doddle, frankly. It takes about 3 minutes each time, and although a little uncomfortable for that time, it is certainly not painful. You lie on the couch for an hour chatting to a friendly nurse, then drive home. I have never shared my bowel habits as richly as I did with the nurses, so I feel they know me from the inside out!

    The second FMT took place through Christmas and New Year 2018, instead of a trip to Morocco. I didn’t mind a bit. I looked forward to my visits to the Clinic, as everyone was so warm and friendly, and I felt at last I was making progress after almost four decades.

    I feel very, very well now. At the age of 65 I feel more like 35, and feel that in a sense I can start life again, certainly in terms of health. I’m more easily able to travel now too, without the food reactions. I would like to thank the team at the Dove Clinic sincerely, and would recommend anyone to have FMT if that is the appropriate treatment. For me it has been a miracle.” PG

  • I wanted to thank you for your care of her over the last nine months. We have had a long and happy relationship with our family doctor, but by the time we first came to see you last December, he and her endocrinologist seemed to have run out of steam in terms of helping her. Whereas, from the first time she saw you, she felt that her problems were understood. She has followed your prescriptions religiously, and been very careful about balancing academic work, exercise, and rest; and it has been fantastic to see a steady rebuilding of her resistance, strength and stamina. There haven’t been any backward steps since she began with you; the recurring infections stopped; and while there will still be challenges ahead, she feels she is ready to tackle university life a long way from home. A year ago we could not have been at all confident of this. I know you see a lot of young people trying to get a grip on life at this crucial stage; we are very grateful that she has been one of them, and I’m sure that she will be back to see you during the Christmas holidays. The nurses who looked after her during her sessions at the clinic were very kind and friendly; and the dispensary service has been very efficient. AG
  • Thank you to the nurses for your professionalism and above all, the caring and friendly way you all go about your work.  At times it was a good laugh.  I actually enjoyed the experience of coming there but certainly it would not have been the same without the wonderful company of you all. Wishing all of you best wishes and thanks again. GH.
  • I cannot praise the nurses enough. I have had treatment twice at The Dove Clinic, the second time was for some low-dose immunotherapy. Every one of them without exception is kind and caring, professional and knowledgeable. They have so much experience that I feel completely safe in their hands. They are gentle and caring and know exactly how to handle each different situation. They recognise that each patient needs to be dealt with differently according to their own needs and circumstances. For example, I don’t like needles and I am not made to feel feeble, they simply recognise that we all have our own individual fears. – HRI was recommended to visit the Dove clinic by a friend who was a patient of Dr RF. I have had digestive problems including bloating and pain for many years, made worse by certain foods. It wasnt until I developed asthma and a sensitivity to chemicals aswell that I felt miserable and unwell enough to seek help outside the NHS. I came to see Dr F who took a long history and examined a sample of blood under the microscope, at this point I had no idea that I was looking at my own blood cells on his computer screen I actually thought his screen saver was bubbles!!!. He took time to carefully explain the problem, we discussed a course of supplements with the importance of some changes to my diet and after 4 weeks I was feeling a lot better but the allergies and chemical sensitivities were still a problem.
  • We discussed the low dose immunotherapy treatment. I then had a lot of painless skin tests that showed a strong reaction to many foods and chemicals. I started the vaccinations with trepidation although Ive been a trained nurse for over 30yrs !! I continued happily on this treatment for many months and I’m now glad to say I feel well and have much more freedom in my diet and lifestyle. I rarely use my asthma inhalers now. Dr F was always kind understanding & very supportive during my treatment as were all the DC staff. I still continue with the supplements especially the amazing Immiflex & havent had so much as a cold since I started it. I don’t hesitate to recommend the DC to anyone I think might benefit & would like to thank them for my new lease of life.
  • I said I would write to you about my experience of the Dove Clinic and my treatment for ME. When I first came to the clinic it was via a referral from a friend who I trust implicitly, she is a wise person but also knows how to research and had found you to treat her daughter. I had been feeling drained and tired for a number of years and my doctor consistently told me I had depression. Due to my experience and training in the therapy world I really knew that I wasn’t depressed and that there was something wrong with my body but I had no idea what.
  • After seeking help for years I came to your clinic and had a clear understanding about the issue within half an hour. Blood tests, unlike the ones undertaken in the NHS, clearly identified that my blood was in a very sorry state. It turned out that after suffering glandular fever earlier in my life the infection had continued to affect my blood cells and my love of running had made a bad situation much worse.
  • As a single parent with many financial commitments I was deeply worried about investing the money in treatment in case it didn’t work, but I didn’t feel I had a choice as it was getting increasingly difficult to work effectively. I am pleased to report that the treatment has worked. I do feel so much better. I can now work confidently, I feel sad that I haven’t been able to get back to running and only say that to add the realism that there are still limits to what I can do. In my everyday life I can operate as if nothing had happened, I no longer carry that constant feeling of staggering through the day, but I wouldn’t want to give a false impression of my experience. I am however enjoying work life and a full social life so that is fantastic.
  • As an aside I realised that my daughter, who also had glandular fever in her teens, had the same symptoms which were confirmed in the blood tests. She also had the treatment and I am pleased to say I have my vibrant young lady back to her energetic self. It helped to understand that there can be a genetic propensity to develop ME after suffering and infection or virus. It worries me that ME is so little understood. I am so glad that I trusted my intuition that I wasn’t depressed and found genuine treatment to deal with the root cause of my struggle. I wish you and Dr Kenyon all the very best in your important work. – Janine Clark
  • ‘I have had hayfever for twelve years since I was six.  Each year it got worse.  It began in May, (in time for the exams) and ended sometime in September. The summer was a misery, my eyes went red and swelled up, I constantly blew my nose, my throat itched and on top of that I got asthma. By the time September came I was so run down that when I went back to school I would pick up the viruses that people brought back from their holidays. It was getting to the point that I was more ill than well. I tried all the hayfever cures that medicine offers, but none of them were strong enough.  I then tried herbal and homeopathic remedies which did not work.  A friend told us about the Dove Clinic and we decided to give it a try.  The Dove Clinic suggested LDI Treatment.  Within literally two weeks all my hayfever symptoms had gone, this really is life changing and I look forward to summers without suffering’ – Caroline
  • “In 2008 I was diagnosed by The Dove Clinic with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and tied up with that my immune system had made enemies of virtually everything I could eat, leading to me losing 30 kg in weight in less than six months and being unable to enjoy much of a social life.  As part of my treatment for CFS it was suggested by the clinic that I should try Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI).  I agreed, though I was nervous of the need to self inject.  It turned out that the injections were just small sub-cutaneous ones that only register at most a short prick on insertion and nothing to worry about.  A little over 12 months later many of the reactions are under control, my diet is much more varied and I have regained weight, a little too much in fact.  Plus I can happily socialise once more.  LDI treatment is a slow process, but I would say that it’s definitely worth doing.”
  • “The treatment I have received at the Dove Clinic has been excellent in every way and I would like to personally thank you and all your team for your kindness and support in caring for me“.
  • “Dr Julian Kenyon has been my Doctor for many years.  His care for you as a patient is FOR you.  His detail for helping is fantastic.  Full marks.”
  • “I have always felt very welcome at the Dove Clinic – the service and treatments are excellent.”
  • “I was immensely pleased with the service the Dove Clinic provided to various patients.  The administrative staff were very good and co-operative in arranging my accommodation and other things during my treatment.”
  • “The nursing team are all excellent in performing their nursing duties in relation to integrated medicine.”
  • “In spite of it being a new type of medicine they have acquired a lot of knowledge both by theory and practice.  The staff are a great asset to the Dove Clinic.”
  • “They make patients feel so relaxed.  My sincere thanks to all of the nursing team in making my 2 weeks of treatment very pleasant and peaceful.”
  • “It’s always encouraging and a positive experience to visit the Dove Clinic – something I look forward to, rather than the dread of hospital visits and depressing, negative attitudes.”
  • Thanks Dr Julian Kenyon and the Dove Clinic, for giving me my life back.
    Forget Botox or beauty therapy: for that deep-down feel-good factor, look after your health first.  Dr Julian Kenyon and his Dove Clinic team can often help where orthodox medicine has failed to find an answer, treatment or cure. [read full testimonial]

Please also visit Dr Kenyon’s Blog for other comments.