
This is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a high pain response to pressure. This goes along with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in many cases reflected by tiredness, sleep problems and/or memory disturbance.

The cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown, it is thought to be partly genetic, and environmental factors can include psychological stress, trauma, and certain infections. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is driven by chronic low-grade infections.

There is no specific diagnostic test for Fibromyalgia and diagnosis revolves around ruling out other potential causes.

Drug treatment for Fibromyalgia is often ineffective. It is surprisingly common as it is estimated to affect 2-8% of the population.

The fundamental problem with Fibromyalgia is due to damage to the Mitochondria, the Mitochondria are the ‘engines’ of the cell, which make Adenosine Triphosphate, which is our energy molecule. The total weight of Adenosine Triphosphate made by the average person per day is in the order of 70kg. Basically we make it, use it, make it, use it in a continuing cycle. When the Mitochondria are damaged, essentially we run out of energy because there isn’t enough Adenosine Triphosphate.

We have had significant success in treating Fibromyalgia with some new medications we have recently been involved with, which don’t have any downsides in terms of side effects.